Electronics equipment is operated on different power level, from small routers which use low DC range to portable devices with a certain level of current and voltage thresholds. Recently improved designs have now started to use USB ports where portable cables are used with USB and jack connectors. This is convenient in terms of cost as if there is any damage to the cable or connector. It can easily be replaced.

Types of DC Jack Connectors:

1-      USB to DC 2.0mm*0.6mm

2-      USB to DC 2.5mm*0.7mm

3-      USB to DC 3.5mm*1.1mm

4-      USB to DC 3.5mm*1.35mm

5-      USB to DC 4.0mm*1.7mm

6-      USB to DC 5.5mm*2.1mm

7-      USB to DC 5.5mm*2.2mm

These cables are USB 2.0 to DC (multiple sizes) supported with plug type as shown in the image, e.g., 5.5*2.1mm DC plug (Figure 1). Each jack supports different current levels and hence have different conductor sizes are specified as per the manufacturer. The common size range used is between 32-22 AWG, and for good conductivity, is it recommended to purchase only copper-based conductors with an insulation material of PE or PVC. One way to check is to look into the brand and see if they have proper certification such as RoHS, UL, etc.

These cables do come in both only charge or both charge and data transfer, and it is recommended to the consumer to check before purchasing the cable. There are some other factors like length, which drastically affect the charging and data rate, so they needed to be considered as well. 

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